#EduGoalsMOOC - Final Reflections

What was your favorite assignment?

I think that my favourite assignments were definitely the ones where I had to design activities (week 1) and projects (week 5).

Which unit do you feel helped you grow the most?

Learning about the elements needed to design meaningful activities which promote deeper learning was certainly the part which helped me the most and I intend to go deeper into that, following what Shelly is doing and browsing through the Learning Evidences to analyse more carefully the amazing activities planned by my peers.

Which parts of the course were the most challenging?

Reflecting on the learning path is always the most challenging part.

How has participating in this course helped you become a better teacher and learner? 

This MOOC has helped me in many ways, first and foremost by making my PLN grow. I hope I will be able to interact more in the next days and keep in touch with some of the amazing teachers that have produced outstanding resources. 
