#TWINMOOC - Final reflections

What have you learnt from the course?

I have learnt a lot. For the first time I have received well-structured information and rubrics to help me design an e-twinning project. I will keep this useful material for future reference. These rubrics will also help me to shape my evaluation rubrics.

What are the positive aspects of the MOOC ?

One of the positive aspects of the MOOC is its clear design. I particularly appreciated the fact that there is a single deadline (end of the month) for all activities, thus allowing late-comers or busy teacher to work at a more relaxed pace. If school keeps you grounded during a week, you can easily catch up in the following weeks.
Another positive aspect is the possibility to look for partners who are willing to turn your draft project into a real, shared e-twinning experience. It's easier if you have already "met" your partners.

What are the negative aspects of the MOOC?

I honestly can't find negative aspects at the moment. Maybe only the fact that, in spite of its indoubt benefits in terms of feedback received, peer reviewing is a challenging activity and you are not always able to show your peers the consideration they deserve for their work.

What would you suggest to improve it?

  • I would like to receive a more specific training on using TwinSpace, maybe with a detailed presentation of excellent projects showcased there and how they have used all its features.
  • Why not build a post MOOC community? I would love to keep interacting with these skilled and inspiring teachers.
  • Is there a chance of taking part in a similar course about E+?
